Menu Spotlight: Daisy Mac

Super Mac Bros makes it their business to feed hungry people, and because we enjoy the comforts found in a really delicious dish, we strive to offer something for everyone who walks up to our Arizona food truck window to make an order. If you love meat, thinking no meal is complete without a meaty piece of protein, a few of our mac and cheese dishes come with bacon or chorizo, but if you really want to sink your teeth into the meal, steak can be added to every dish for just a few dollars more! Craving something spicy? Our Fire Mario will hit the spot and when the bird is the word, a couple of dollars more will have fowl added to your favorite bowl! But what if your inner flower child cringes at the thought of eating anything that might have had a mommy at one time? Never fear, because Super Mac Bros has you covered with our veggie lovers Daisy Mac, which just happens to be the bowl we are spotlighting today!

Stick to Your Principles With the Help of Our Arizona Food Truck

We get it. Your puppies and kittens and even your miniature horse may be considered family, and the thought of eating any type of meat horrifies you. Choosing Super Mac Bros for your lunch day delights allows you to fill up on hearty comfort food that is creamy and delicious, all while sticking to your principles! Made with the elbow pasta that was such a major tradition in your family as you were growing up, chunks of grilled tofu take on the flavors of the dish that is soon to be your favorite. Grilled sweet corn that is locally sourced, adds a depth to the flavors of our Daisy Mac. With each bite, the taste of summer that accompanies sweet corn will make it impossible for you to drop the smile that has been slowly building since the moment you realized you can take your place in the line in front of our Super Mac Bros trucks! Bell peppers add an extra crunch and the cheddar cheese sauce that blends so nicely with all the ingredients is creamy, rich, and thick! And because you won’t miss out on anything when you skip the meaty protein that so many others in that line will order, you can go about your day feeling happy that you didn’t compromise and feeling so full you may just find yourself considering that lumpy sofa in your break room at work, the perfect place to take an afternoon nap! (Go ahead and take that power nap, we won’t tell a soul!)

Delicious on Any Day of the Week

Life is getting awfully full these days, especially as you celebrate Monday Night Football at Aioli or Taco Tuesday and Fiesta Friday at Modern Tortilla, which leaves wonderful Wednesdays for your Daisy Mac! We think this flower child delight is the perfect meal for any day of the week and making it your midday meal just adds to the celebrations of the Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays! Take home extra after work on Wednesday and enjoy a weekend meal that brings about feelings of love, light, and laughter. Served with a light chardonnay, your Sunday supper suddenly becomes a dinner you will never forget! The creamy richness of the Daisy Mac combined with the silky smoothness of the chardonnay, creates a meal that needs only one thing to be considered absolutely perfect and that is a mini cannolo, of course! Even the kids won’t miss the meat as they dig into the bowls hearty goodness, ensuring that as they grow they may continue the healthy traditions you have raised them with! (Although we do believe you should substitute a glass of sweet tea for the chardonnay for the under 21s of your family unit!)

Enjoy as a Side Dish

Of course, even die-hard carnivores can still enjoy the creamy flavors of our Daisy Mac! Add in steak or chicken for a hearty meal that will handily conquer your hunger pangs or take home a bowl or two to enjoy as a side dish to your evening’s dinner; we think it would be the perfect accompaniment to a savory baked salmon, but that is just a suggestion. Whether you order Daisy Mac, Fire Mario, or any of our yummy mac and cheese dishes, how you choose to eat it is absolutely up to you! There are no rules when it comes to enjoying a good macaroni and cheese dish and if you think the Daisy Mac would make a good breakfast, we would 100% agree!

Follow Our Food Trucks Today

Every day is a new adventure that can be lived out loud when you choose Daisy Mac as a meal choice! Stop by our food trucks today!

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