Your Kids Will Love a Back to School Arizona Meal at Super Mac Bros!
Most of life’s moments are experienced best with the accompaniment of a good meal. Feeling happy about that new promotion at work? A good meal is a finishing touch to the perfect celebration. Your oldest child is going away to school? A meal filled with all his or her favorite dishes is an ideal way to show your pride and remind the young adult that home is where love lies. And when it is time for your children to go back to school in Arizona, although you are happy about the return to normalcy and the decrease in phone calls to your office during the day, a meal of comfort foods will help bring the smile back to the face of your totally bummed kids! And because nothing screams comfort food louder than a big bowl of rich and gooey macaroni and cheese, we think the best way to remind the sad students of how much they are loved is with a back-to-school meal at Super Mac Bros!
Bringing Joy to Sad Students
You remember the way you felt when you were a young child forced to end the beautiful freedom of summer with the bondage of back to school. No more sleeping in late, no more lazy days spent swinging on the swings in your backyard talking about boys with your bestie, or playing an easy game of catch with your buds. Evening baths and early morning risings, hurried breakfasts gulped down in the back seat of the station wagon, stern teachers, and no more open grazing whenever the urge to munch arose. These rules, restrictions, and limitations made back to school the unhappiest season of the year and we can promise that your kids are feeling all the same emotions! You want to make them happy, but you also know that a good education is important to their future happiness; it is tough being a parent but Super Mac Bros can help bring the joy back to your most precious family members!
Make that Left Turn
As your children jump into the backseat of your SUV, dragging backpacks filled with books behind them, the stressed looks on their faces, the ponytails coming undone, and the hint of tears in their eyes will tell you that yes, you are about to do a very excellent thing. Not saying anything, you make that left turn out of the school parking lot, and as questions start to fill the car from the ones who are cognizant that you usually turn right. Frowns will turn upside down at the first glimpse of the swirls of color that signify you have arrived at the location of one of our Super Mac Bros food trucks and the resulting cheers may bring a ringing to your ears, but it will all be worth it. You deserve this special treat as much as they do and the next half hour or so of all your lives is destined to be joyous!
The Dishes that Bring Comfort
It’s a little-known secret that our mac and cheese dishes can serve precise ways of comforting your littles! Little Payton may be sad that she received a B on the first pop quiz of the year, but the cheesy goodness of our Yoshi Cheery Mac will make her forget all about it. Your teenagers may be overwhelmed by their extra heavy homework load, but with their first bite of our Fire Mario, they will know that they are strong enough and smart enough to handle whatever school throws at them. And for that strong-willed child that has the heart of a lion, even as nothing comes easy for them, our Truffle Toad mac and cheese will bring them a touch of luxury and the chance to take life easy, if only for a few minutes! These moments spent with your favorite people will help take the sting out of back to school in Arizona, but they will also be moments where secrets will be told, worries will be eased, and bonds will be tightened. All because you chose to turn left out of the parking lot and head in the direction of our nearest Super Mac Bros food truck! We can’t turn back the clock to summer and we can’t do your children’s homework but we can feed hungry souls and strengthen the mother/child (or father/child!) bond while helping your family create memories they will never forget!
Great for those Mental Health Days Too!
Remember when your mom unexpectedly took you out of school for the day, deciding you needed a mental health day of fun and wonder? Today’s kids need it just as much (if not more) and after a midday break at our food truck, there is nothing you two can’t conquer together! Stop by today!