Start The Arizona New Year Off Right With A Meal At Super Mac Bros
As we say hello to the first day of 2023 we may all still be a little shell-shocked. The holidays came and went in a blink of an eye and with a huge bite out of our bank accounts and as we sleep in late, perhaps waking up with a bit of a hangover, what we do next can affect the success of the next 12 months of our lives. And because it isn’t too late to add a new resolution to the list you made last night before enjoying that second glass of champagne, we at Super Mac Bros want to take a few minutes out of your day to explain why starting the Arizona new year off with us is the best way to begin your journey into 2023 and how your first resolution should be one that reminds you to take care of yourself!
The Ultimate in Hangover Cures
After a little too much celebrating (aren’t we thrilled that 2022 has come to an end?) you probably have a list of hangover cures, some successful and some not so successful, but the ones we have always found that works are a plate full of our favorite comfort food. Super Mac Bros has made a living out of feeding hungry people the ultimate in comfort foods and our mac and cheese dishes are destined to help ease the aches and pains of your hangover as well as give you a bright outlook for the new year! Stop by one of our food trucks on that sunny day in January, order your favorite bowl (if you can narrow it down to just one!), and enjoy its creamy goodness while you start making plans for the rest of the day.
Traditions in Food
The tradition of eating food that will bring you luck is one that many different cultures have adopted over the years. Southerners are known for preparing a dish called Hoppin’ John, made with black-eyed peas, in Spain, it is tradition to eat 12 grapes as they are ringing in the new year, and in Arizona? We don’t have a specific lucky food, so we at Super Mac Bros are offering up our Truffle Toad Mac and Cheese to be the meal that brings you luck in the upcoming months! Creamy, rich, and delicious, every bite will taste like good fortune and good cheer and because you’ve done enough over the last 12 months, we will prepare the dish, leaving you free to just enjoy!
The Resolution that is Easy to Keep
The new year often is accompanied by the making of resolutions, resolutions that tend to be forgotten in just a few days, weeks, or months. We have the best of intentions, but life is complicated and sometimes it just isn’t possible to get up early every day for a 30-minute workout. Instead of giving up, however, and simply not making any resolutions this year, we think there is one you can make that will be both easy to keep and fun to apply. Your resolution for 2023 should be to remember to take care of yourself. You spend every day of your life taking care of others, but when was the last time you ate a dish you love while it was still hot or took an hour or so out of your day to do something that you want to do all alone? When you follow our Super Mac Bros food trucks, you can do both, enjoying a peaceful meal of our Rosalina Southwest Mac on another beautiful day in Phoenix. As a matter of fact, making a tradition of spoiling yourself is one way to ensure that the year continues to go your way and if you choose to take your meal with Super Mac Bros on your day of you, who are we to stop you? Every resolution is an attempt to do better in the blank slate of days that spread out before you and they will be easier to keep when you make yourself your greatest priority!
Anything can Happen
The new year is a time of such promise. We awaken on that first day feeling as if anything can happen and when you start out the Arizona new year with a visit to the Super Mac Bros food truck, your feelings will become a reality! Your kids will still be out of school for a few more days, so bring them along, treasuring these quiet moments spent eating, laughing, and building bonds that will never be loosened. Plan an unexpected lunch with the human in your life that makes every day brighter, sharing a bowl and more moments of pure happiness. We at Super Mac Bros want to wish you the Happiest of New Years and we will see you soon!