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Our Food Cart Services

Our Food Cart Services

If you know anything about Super Mac Bros, you might know that our catering services have expanded to reach all over the Phoenix Valley. Our food truck and drop off catering services have been a staple with all of our food truck concepts and have become a hit in the realm of catering. Each of these options is perfect for events such as weddings and large birthday parties that need our food truck or entire menu on hand to feed guests. However, not all special events have to be big in size to warrant our catering services. If you are planning for a smaller party that does not need our food truck or entire menu, you might find our food cart services to be perfect for you.

Mobile Mac and Cheese Cart

Just as the name suggests, our mac and cheese cart is a mobile cart that can be set up at your next small event. This catering option is perfect for special events that will not need to feed dozens of people at once and instead can cater to your guests’ needs. Our team will be on hand to run the cart and take any orders that come up. You won’t find a small yet easy catering service anywhere else that can take care of your private event!

Mac and Cheese Menu

While our mac and cheese cart may not have the entire catering menu on hand, it has plenty for you to pick from. This includes each of our delicious mac and cheese entrees. These mac and cheese bowls are nothing like what you remember as a child. We use fresh pasta, cheese, and toppings for a magical experience in every bowl; you will not find any cardboard box ingredients hidden in the mac and cheese cart! The same goes for everything on the menu too. You will find that our mac and cheese cart selection can also handle our tasty starters and additional items typically found on the food truck menu. Who knew that so many options can be waiting in such as small mobile food cart?

Super Mac Bros to the Rescue

As you can see, our mac and cheese cart is the perfect option for any small party you have on the horizon. We offer this catering service all over the Phoenix Valley. Take a look below at where you can hire our mac and cheese cart services: