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Celebrate Easter With Super Mac Bros

There’s nothing we love more than celebrating the holidays with friends, family, and a fabulous feast and now that the first major holiday of the year is just a few short weeks away, we couldn’t be more happy! Easter is held on April 17th this year and our spouses are already planning all the extra

Menu Spotlight

Menu Items You Need To Try Today!

When mealtime rolls around again (as it does every day of your life!) do you venture out of your comfort zone and try different meals, wanting to tantalize your taste buds with surprises that will make them stand up and take notice? Or do you, like most of the world, find yourself sticking with the


Go On a Springtime Picnic With Super Mac Bros

The beauty of a spring day in the Phoenix area can only be greatened with a picnic enjoyed in one of our many scenic spots and a cooler filled with your favorite foods. For years we have been trained, however, that picnic food can only be cheeseboards, sandwiches, or fried chicken, and we at Super


Winter Arizona Wedding Catering With Super Mac Bros

Love means something different to everyone you ask, but at the end of every day when it comes to loving your favorite person, it all boils down to comfort. Love can bring excitement and joy to your world and when the rest of the world is shut away behind closed doors with their own partners


Plan A Dinner For Two With Super Mac Bros

As we make our way through days filled with meetings, school events, sports practices, and all the assorted chores that go along with apartment rental or home ownership, some things tend to be pushed aside in order to make everything fit into the day. Maybe you stopped making your bed in 1994 or perhaps you


Throw a Birthday Bash with Super Mac Bros

The blues that most people suffer from after the holidays are over do not occur when your birthday takes place in January or February. You know that after the last ornament is packed away, the final cookies have been eaten, and all the presents you received have been put in their places, you have the

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Warm Meals for Wintertime

As the snow blankets the ground outside your Tempe townhouse and the wind chill drops all the way to “When did we move to Chicago?” staying warm and cozy is our biggest desire and when you dig into a bowl of the ultimate comfort food, a mac and cheese bowl from Super Mac Bros, staying


Resolve to Eat Better in 2022 with Super Mac Bros

The holidays are a time for family, reflection, and lots of really good food, but when the new year begins, we often find ourselves regretting the latter. Too much Thanksgiving turkey, too many Christmas cookies, and of course, far too many champagne toasts on New Year’s Eve can wreak havoc with the numbers on our

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Christmas Party Arizona Catering services from Super Mac Bros

There’s a special place in our hearts reserved specifically for memories of Christmas: our earliest celebrations (that we can remember!) when we still believed in the Jolly Old Elf, discovering that he really did get our carefully written note begging nicely for that Easy Bake Oven; our first Christmas with our spouse, when the lights


Holiday Party Arizona Catering from Super Mac Bros

As the final months of 2021 appear on the calendars, we know it is time to start celebrating, to enjoy fancy feasts with our friends and families, to shop for food and gifts, to begin making lists of everything we are thankful for, of everything we want for Christmas, and of course, of everything we
